Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Princeton comes to Michigan...

I have heard my fair share of stereotypes about young people and their lack of motivation. Today's blog makes me feel great because it always an awesome feeling to dispel generalizations. My hubistrator (Jason) and I are co-chairs this year for the Princeton Prize in Race Relations Committee of Michigan.
Our duties include seeking out young people (high school age) who have made strides in race relations. I am happy to say that this year's winner Shirisha Thota made an amazing difference in race relations by being innovative, hardworking and creative.
One of the first things mentioned about ths student when we talked to her reccomender was that "Shirisha's one of a kind; she's going to be president one day!" She describes Shirisha, a junior at Farmington H.S., as incredibly friendly, gregarious, passionate about social justice issues, a leader who leads by example and is well-respected and liked by her peers. Shirisha has made personal contact with her state representative, Vicki Burnett, about promoting race relations in her school and county area, and is apparently on a first name basis with her!
Shirisha is very proactive and has gone above and beyond in her role as a Youth Policy Leader. She is "thirsty for this kind of work" i.e.. work related to race relations, social justice, and intergenerational/interracial dialogues. She is working with her Vice Principal and community officials (like Representative Burnett, aka, "Vicki") about organizing more programs and dialogues to promote race relations, including people of all ages.
Shirisha was awarded with a monetary stipend and acknowledgement from Princeton University for her efforts-she also was given the opportunity to come to the National Symposium on Race at Princeton University to meet other young people who have made an amazing difference in their respevctive states.
Today's blog is dedicated to Shirisha for making Michigan stand out in diversity!
-Read something great!

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